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The U.S. state of Ohio is poised to become the first of the 50 states to accept Bitcoin (BTC) as tax payment; according to WSJ
WSJ further quotes that the move initially applies only to businesses, with plans to extend the offering to individual taxpayers in the near future. Starting in December, Ohio-based businesses can register to pay all of their taxes in the leading cryptocurrency. The payments shall be processed via crypto payments service BitPay.
The crypto-focused move was advanced by state Treasurer Josh Mandel, who was quoted as saying:
“I actually see bitcoin as a legitimate form of currency
Mandel was also confident that the cryptocurrency initiative will continue” after his term ends this January. It is worth noting that as an elected state official, Mandel is able to decide if his office will accept the digital currency “without approval from the legislature or governor,”
Other states that are Pro-Bitcoin include; Arizona and Georgia.”
The U.S. state of Ohio is poised to become the first of the 50 states to accept Bitcoin (BTC) as tax payment; according to WSJ
WSJ further quotes that the move initially applies only to businesses, with plans to extend the offering to individual taxpayers in the near future. Starting in December, Ohio-based businesses can register to pay all of their taxes in the leading cryptocurrency. The payments shall be processed via crypto payments service BitPay.
The crypto-focused move was advanced by state Treasurer Josh Mandel, who was quoted as saying:
“I actually see bitcoin as a legitimate form of currency
Mandel was also confident that the cryptocurrency initiative will continue” after his term ends this January. It is worth noting that as an elected state official, Mandel is able to decide if his office will accept the digital currency “without approval from the legislature or governor,”
Other states that are Pro-Bitcoin include; Arizona and Georgia.”