Binance Launching Educational Content

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Binance, one of the biggest exchanges across the globe, has just launched a collection of content summing up to around 500 articles for educational purposes in order to fight misleading information or ‘fake news’.

The crypto exchange is one of the biggest around the world through its traded volume. To start with the content will be supported in 15 languages. Binance academy has provided the launch and the development which is the education side of the crypto exchange giant and was set up in August this year.

The Chief Growth Officer at Binance, Ted Lin spoke about the release and said, “Education is the integral pillar to proliferating crypto and blockchain usage. With Binance Academy, our goal is to provide an entirely neutral platform with quality, unbiased, educational information.”

Even though it is still unknown about what specific information will be covered, according to Lin, topics will include blockchain, security and economics which will include useful tutorials and guides.

The arrangement to launch an educational resource comes as even the subject of Bitcoin’s own identity comes to light once more. After the Bitcoin Cash hard fork last month and the crash that occurred in the market in the weeks after it, the altcoin proponents keep on asserting that Bitcoin Cash is the proper Bitcoin. Although this news did come from owned by Roger Ver, also known as Bitcoin Jesus, who is an avid believer in Bitcoin Cash over Bitcoin so this is surely a biased statement. Ver has always been a pessimist when it comes to Bitcoin even during last years Bitcoin bull run which sent the digital asset to highs of $20,000. Bitcoin Jesus has even called Bitcoin ‘crippled coin’ in the past.

According to CoinTelegraph:

“Developing such resources has also become an occupation of various other entities in the cryptocurrency industry and beyond, October seeing a government-endorsed scheme by Gibraltar to develop blockchain education courses.”

The co-founder of Ethereum, Joseph Lubin and his blockchain startup and incubator project, ConsenSys is in a partnership with the online education platform Coursera as well as several professors at one of England's most prestigious universities, Oxford putting forward separate blockchain educational plans of their own.